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Geek Bash - The Premiere Party

Speed-Friendship, mingling, quiz & more

The Brix at St Matthews - 4th floor, St Matthews Church, Brixton Hill, London SW2 1JF

Online Sale Ended


Geek Bash is a project conceived for geeks and/or shy folks or even folks suffering from social anxiety, as well as anybody who enjoy being surrounded by the above-mentioned :) No matter whether you're into cinema, comic books, music, games or science, or any other kind of geeky stuff, or whether you're just a little “on the shy side" or battling social anxiety - you will be welcome. The purpose of this whole enterprise is to help you guys find some cool ducks you could become friends with, to let you feel like you belong here, to create a place where you won't be judged and where you can feel comfortable, even if just for a few hours. It is done purely on a from-amateurs-to-amateurs basis, it may not be as glitzy and efficient as a black tie function for besuited corporate professionals, but hey, at least we mean it!

So, what you'll get for your cash is this:

– The main part is the social part. At the beginning, you just stroll around and talk to random strangers.

– The next part is “The Social Part 2: The Speed-Friendship". And yes, the principle is similar to that of speed-dating, except for a couple things. Firstly, it really is just for friendship, which really takes the pressure off. And secondly, we will give you more time to get to know the person than you would usually get at a speed-dating event. Still, you will meet plenty of other guests,
with who…m you can then exchange your Facebooks or head to the nearest bar, but please do wait for…

– Quiz. Don't worry, you will be split into teams, and you don't need to be particularly knowledgeable about any area in particular. And the questions won't be too difficult, I promise!

– A couple of short films. Really geeky ones.

– Mingling/socialising.

So, if you like the idea, please do come and support us – our first event may very well remain our last one if it
turns out that nobody is interested. But we're sure that there are plenty of you guys out there who are!